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We Teach…about Christ…
We Teach…about Christ…
Psalm 138:2 I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.
After being born-again on Oct 18th, 1998, I started preaching the Gospel to many people and leading them to Salvation. While on the mission I came across many thought provoking questions, to which I had no answers then. As a result, I spent a great deal of time with our dear ministry partners Bro. Suman, Bro.Jattin, Bro. Charles and Bro. Andreas, studying “Salvation” in detail, especially through the book “The Spiritual Man” by the great Bible scholar Watchman Nee. It changed our lives forever. From then on through the wonderful works of the great Bible scholars Andrew Wommack and Don Krow, I grew in the Word of God and understood its absolute necessity in a believer’s life. From this revelation was born “Living by the Word of God Ministries”.
In association with Pastor Balraj, Pastor Andreas, Bro. Justus Moses and through the committed efforts of Bro. Donald, we have been doing what we can, by the grace of God, to preach the Gospel, discipline the believers, conduct Bible studies and change lives.
From the bottom of my heart I thank all who started and is doing all our media, computer works and our dear sister who helps us with the proofreading. I thank all the brothers and sisters who support and help in all our Ministry works.
We believe in the Full Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe in the Trinity, Salvation, Immersion Water Baptism, Baptism of the Holy Spirit with tongues and operating in all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
I thank and praise God for His divine plan which enabled you to come in contact with us. Be blessed. You are a blessing.
D.Vergin Kumar.